Do you have electricity or water requirements? What’s the size of your set up?
There are a few important things we need from you and the venue to ensure we can serve our tasty ice cream rolls;
– We require easy, level access for the equipment and staff to the serving location. Level access means no stairs, as the ice cream cart and other equipment cannot go up and down stairs. If we are not serving on the ground floor, a suitably sized service lift which can carry our equipment must be accessible. If you think this is an issue, get in touch and also speak to the venue who will let you know of any accessibility issues.
– Electricity – Just a normal household plug will do. If your venue is asking for specifics, we require “2kw from a standard 240v 3-pin plug”.
– It is a part of our T&C’s that the client is responsible for ensuring there are hand washing facilities at the venue for us, as that is a legal requirement when serving food. We also require shelter when the weather demands it. We have parasols but they’re not suitable for wet weather.
– We can squeeze into a small space, or spread ourselves out to create a comfortable, fun and immersive experience. You can have as little as just the ice cream cart and topping station, or you can add on our parasols and deck chairs to create a larger space. Click here to see our space requirements.
– We require parking for our vehicle. Any vehicle costs (such as parking, London Congestion Charge etc.) needs to be covered by yourself.
– Please check out our full Terms & Conditions here so you know exactly what your obligations are.